Tem Included: Brian "Dr. Manhattan" Schultz, Dorian Dwight Ducker, Commander Brent Rowe, Kristi BUSINESS Lindley, Kelsey wilcox, Katelin EIA, Brianne QBD,
Friday, December 25, 2009
Champions Again
Tem Included: Brian "Dr. Manhattan" Schultz, Dorian Dwight Ducker, Commander Brent Rowe, Kristi BUSINESS Lindley, Kelsey wilcox, Katelin EIA, Brianne QBD,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Alumni Volleyball Game

Here is Cache and Myself.
Here I am hitting!
Wow it looks like I can still jump!Well the picture is tiny, but here is Brian "Dr. Manhattan" Schultz, Josh Connely, Myself,
Mike Brooks, Cache Allen, Kevin Dupree, Commander Brent Rowe, and Dorian "Dwight" Ducker
We Actually won the match in 5. it was a pretty good game, but we shoudl have won in 3!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Nothing says welcome back to Idaho like...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Amazing Alicia Gettys
Alicia and I had breakfast at a little shop on the beach.
She stayed till like 2 a.m. while I cleaned! What a trooper!
Bachelor life...you know you miss it!
People used to sneak over and mess up our house. Fortunately Brian and I are neat freaks, so we would immediately clean the house when people left it looking like this!
I must admit that I don't relish living like this ever again! But it was exciting for a summer. These pictures also show how great a friend Alicia is because I don't think many other people would enter that apartment! In fact I am slighty embarassed she did!
A Trip to Paradise
While we were in Blythe, Alicia and I tried to go for a walk. It was so hot,
Another highlight of the trip was some peach rings Alicia purchased as we were leaving San Diego. They melted in the car since nothing can survive that heat. However....you don't let good candy go to waste.....
You know you love the background music!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Two amazing little Boys!
(if You are laughing you watch the office, if you watch the office and don't get it, you probably don't watch the Office enough, and finally if you don't watch the office you are ...retarded!!!)
The Boys
He i constantly tricking you wit cute smiles and pointing at things,
but when you look away....he is off into something he shouldn't be! Oh and in this picture he is wearing a volleyball shirt!
So this s embarrassing to admit, but this was the first time that I actually met Rylan. He was so much fun, always smiling and laughing, which I heard isn't always the case. He just must of really liked me, which doesn't surprise me. I find I connect really well with kids. We are just on the same level ;-)!
Tribute to Addison and Evee Kate (The Two Cutest Girls in the World)
So I got to go to Utah for my nephews baby blessings and
Evee loves water. She kept trying to take her clothes off for some reason and she was crying like crazy when Todd had to redress her. Fortunately I offered her a cup of water and she immediately was smiling and wanted to water the trees!
Addison and I played checkers at the park. It was a pretty short game for a couple of reasons. First off we didn't have pieces, which apparently wasn't a problem because Addy said we could pretend. Secondly, her first two moves were to immediately move her pieces to become kings, (she said mine couldn't do that) About 3 moves later she informed me that she had won and asked if I wanted to play again!
A video of Addy on freedom and independence:
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Deep Blue Sea/15-17ft down in the ocean!!
At approximately 4:30 a.m. Pacific standard time(yes you read that correctly), We got out of bed to begin an amazing adventure. With roughly 25 minutes of pool diving experience, we embarked on a ocean scuba diving voyage.
Getting out from the house took a little bit of time due to some equipment issues, but we were eventually on the road. When we arrived at the beach it was light outside overcast.
Brian was paticuarly excited about his gloves.
First off you might notice the powerful knife in my right hand. Brian's father stated several times that I wouldn't need a knife. I on the other hand was confident that it was part of the complete scuba diving experience, so I of course insisted.
Sharks and other undesireables beware!
And we made it back in one piece. If you look closely you will notice that in comparison with the other person in the picture(not singling anyone out). I am definitely picking up a tan in California.
Sorry that it is sideways but it is quite entertaining.