Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Alumni Volleyball Game

This past Saturday The Alumni(old guys) went up to BYU-Idaho to play the Students. I was the captain of our team mostly becasuei always have something to say and only the captain can talk to officials!

Here is Cache and Myself.

Here I am hitting!

Wow it looks like I can still jump!

Well the picture is tiny, but here is Brian "Dr. Manhattan" Schultz, Josh Connely, Myself,

Mike Brooks, Cache Allen, Kevin Dupree, Commander Brent Rowe, and Dorian "Dwight" Ducker

We Actually won the match in 5. it was a pretty good game, but we shoudl have won in 3!


Jenn said...

I know you are playing volleyball, but that brings back so many memories for me of you guys playing basketball. I remember you were the coach (dressed the part an all) and Chris got a Technical for something and you threw down your clipboard. It was SO funny! I miss those days.

Jo said...

I can't believe you and Dorian can still jump that high! :) And what's with playing five games? Come're better than that!

Kirsti Howard said...

AWESOME! i wish i coulda been there to watch. haha u guys are always amazing

Darin and Melinda said...

It's about time you update your blog! Congrats on your Alumni game...and I can't believe how high you can jump...but what's even more surprising is that you and I are related and you can jump so high (I had to quit volleyball because my jumping skills were on par with a 3 year olds). :)

The Duckers said...

It was so good to be there and watch! I just wish I could be kid-less for a day and really watch yours and Dorian's and Brian's and Brent's skills!! :o(
AWESOME JOB!!!! And I KNOW it only went 5 games so that you could get as much playing time in as possible! You guys are sneaky that way.